Module serverino.config

Configuration module for serverino.


priority UDA. Set @endpoint priority
route UDA. You can use to filter requests using a function bool(Request request) { }
ServerinoConfig Struct used to setup serverino. You must return this struct from a function with @onServerInit UDA attached.


endpoint UDA. Functions with @endpoint attached are called when a request is received
Fallthrough Used as optional return type for functions with @endpoint` UDA attached. It is used to override the default behavior of serverino: if an endpoint returns Fallthrough.Yes, the next endpoint is called even if the current one has written to the output.
onDaemonStart UDA. Called when daemon start. Running in main thread, not in worker.
onDaemonStop UDA. Called when daemon exit. Running in main thread, not in worker.
onServerInit UDA. Used to setup serverino. Must return a ServerinoConfig struct. See ServerinoConfig struct.
onWebSocketStart UDA. Functions with @onWebSocketStart attached are called when a websocket is started
onWebSocketStop UDA. Functions with @onWebSocketStop attached are called when a websocket is stopped
onWebSocketUpgrade UDA. Functions with @onWebSocketUpgrade attached are called when a websocket upgrade is requested
onWorkerException UDA. Functions with @onWorkerException attached are called when worker throws an exception
onWorkerStart UDA. Functions with @onWorkerStart attached are called when worker is started
onWorkerStop UDA. Functions with @onWorkerStop attached are called when worker is stopped


route route!((r)=>comparePath!path(r)) UDA. You can use to filter requests using a path.